Viaplay’s Delete Me Renewed for Season Two

Viaplay has commissioned a second season of the Norwegian young adult short-form drama Delete Me.

The returning series, which stars Sofia Tjelta Sydness in her debut leading role, casts a light on the pressures and adverse influences faced by today’s young people on social media. Created, written and directed by Marie Kristiansen, the second season of Delete Me is slated to premiere in the second half of 2022.

In season two, Sanna (Tjelta Sydness), who has been humiliated by her boyfriend and had to hold off on her planned move to New York because of the pandemic, finds herself working as a waitress in Oslo while dreaming of an influencer career on YouTube. Desperate for fame, she follows advice from her favorite influencer and decides to sell intimate pictures of herself online. Delete Me season two co-stars Erik Enge.

Delete Me is produced by Einar Film by Pål Kruke Kristiansen and Kristin Emblem, with Guri Neby as executive producer and Tanya Nanette Badendyck as executive producer for Viaplay.

Filippa Wallestam, NENT Group’s chief content officer, said: “As adults, we think we know the importance of social media for many young people today—but perhaps we don’t fully understand how overwhelming its demands can be. The themes of Delete Me have never been more relevant, and adding a new season of this compelling and visually innovative show to our fast-growing YA slate is about more than collecting likes.”

Tjelta Sydness added: “It feels fantastic to be part of the new season of Delete Me. I think we created something really unique with the first season and told an important story to a young audience. To take on my first leading role is both scary and amazing.”