Inter Medya pre-launched its newest drama, The Pit (Cukur), at DISCOP Dubai, where it received interest from buyers across the MENA region, the Balkans and Asia.
“The Pit has been extremely successful in Turkey, not only because of its unusual and fast-paced storyline, but its acclaimed cast,” said Can Okan, founder and CEO of Inter Medya. “We have received a lot of interest from a variety of territories, including the Middle East.”
Produced by Ay Yapim for Show TV in Turkey, The Pit tells the story of the Kocovali family, who have established their power over Cukur, a neighborhood in Istanbul. Yamac, the youngest son in the family, is forced to return to Cukur after ten years in exile, and he finds himself torn between his family, the neighborhood and the love of his life, Sena.