Austria’s Big Bones Selected as Series Mania-Berlinale Project Exchange

The crime drama Big Bones has been chosen by Series Mania and the Berlinale Co-Production Market as part of this year’s “Project Exchange.”

The “Project Exchange” sees one project pitched at Series Mania invited to pitch again in Berlin, and, in return, Series Mania invites a Berlinale project to pitch in Lille as part of its professional event on March 25 to 27, Series Mania Forum. The project chosen in Berlin to be presented in Lille this March is Big Bones, an 8×1-hour historical crime drama produced by Satelfilm and Superfilm (Austria).

“We have chosen Big Bones for its new take on the period drama,” commented Laurence Herszberg, general director and founder of Series Mania. “This project introduces very strong characters and action in the incredible and rarely seen setting of Vienna after World War II.”

Herszberg and her team accompanied the creators of the German series Immunity, which was originally pitched at Series Mania Forum for the 2018 CoPro Pitching Sessions, to Berlin as it is one of the ten projects at the CoPro Series.