2016-17 Corus-CMF Page to Pitch Program Kicks Off


TORONTO: This year’s Corus-CMF Page to Pitch program, developed by the Canada Media Fund (CMF) and Corus Entertainment, is now accepting applications from eligible producers.

Corus-CMF Page to Pitch targets producers seeking funding for creative and business activities during the development of qualifying live-action and animated TV projects brought about by any CRTV-licensed Canadian broadcaster. The program funds eligible costs related to story and script development, as well as expenses for the acquisition of presale financing from foreign broadcasters and distributors.

Applications for the 2016-17 edition of Corus-CMF Page to Pitch can be submitted until May 3, 2016. Projects will then be evaluated and chosen through a selective process, with the chance to secure up to C$50,000 in funding. The program’s budget is set at more than C$1.2 million. The 2015-16 Corus-CMF Page to Pitch financed 17 projects with a total of C$500,000.