TV 2 Taps Two Execs to Oversee Programming Department

COPENHAGEN, January 26: TV 2 Danmark has tapped Keld
Reinicke and Merete Mortensen as the new heads of its program department,
following Bo Damgaard’s resignation at the end of last year.

Reinicke is the former managing director of TV 2 Networks
(including TV 2 Zulu, TV 2 Charlie and TV 2 FILM). Mortensen is currently the
managing director of the production company Metronome. Both will report to TV
2’s program director, Palle Strøm. “I have my dream team,” Strøm said. “The
choice fell to them because they have the potential to carry on TV 2’s values
and because they can also further develop and renew the channel.”

Reinicke will take on the position February 1, when the new
management of TV 2 Networks will be announced. Mortensen will start by February