Televisa Unveils Slate for NATPE

MEXICO CITY, January 4: Televisa Internacional, previously
known as Televisa Estudios, is heading to NATPE with a range of programs,
including digital and HDTV offerings, formats and co-productions, among others.

In the drama category, Televisa is offering up SOS—Sex
and Other Secrets
y Otros Secretos
) and Woman, Real
Life Stories
(Mujer, Casos de la
Vida Real
). SOS—Sex and
Other Secrets
centers on five female
friends as they try to overcome their fears and flaws in a quest for happiness,
all the while discovering that friendship is key. Woman, Real Life
offers a forum for advice and
support for women in the world who face tough situations that test their will
and resilience.

In action fare, Televisa is bringing The Panther (El Pantera), which follows the story of Gervasio Robles, who is released from
prison after five years and now fights crime, corruption and injustice in the
world’s largest city.

The 13×30-minute Thirteen Fears (Trece Miedos) is in the thriller genre, offering up 13 tales of mystery and
suspense, while And Now What? (Y
Ahora Que Hago?
) rounds out the slate as a
13×30-minute comedic sitcom. Additionally, Televisa is offering RBD,
The Family
(RBD, La Familia), which is based on real-life stories of the band
members of RBD.

—By Kristin Brzoznowski