Survey Reveals Most Successful TV Brands


LONDON: A global survey conducted by Brand Licensing Europe has found that The Simpsons is the most successfully licensed television show of all time, followed by Sesame Street and Looney Tunes.

The Simpsons has over 400 official licensees, with worldwide retail sales topping $8 billion, BLE reports. The organizers of next week’s event surveyed global licensing professionals on the shows that have been able to generate successful revenue stream through the sale of licensed merchandise. The Simpsons took 31 percent of the vote, while Sesame Street took 26 percent and Looney Tunes 10 percent.

The most powerful licensed film character of all time, the BLE survey says, is Harry Potter, with 20.8 percent of the vote, edging out Luke Skywalker at 20.6 percent and Superman at 20.1 percent.

The Muppet Show was voted the brand most likely to offer the best licensing opportunities should it be revived again, ahead of Star Trek and Friends. Lost was voted the TV program with the most potential for further licensing growth, followed by The Sopranos and Baywatch.