Sprint to Offer Mobile Movie Downloads

OVERLAND, September 6: U.S. mobile operator Sprint is
launching a new service that will let subscribers stream full-length movies
from Buena Vista, Lionsgate, Sony Pictures Home Entertainment and Universal
Pictures on pay per view basis on their handsets.

The service, Sprint Movies, currently offers more than 45
titles, including National Treasure, Spider-Man
and Scarface. A movie can be seen in its entirety all at once, or
it can be divided into chapters and watched over time. Customers can play,
pause and skip forward or backward to different chapters. They can also resume
a movie at the exact point where it was last shut down.

"Sprint Movies allows our customers to be entertained
on the one device that they always carry with them and during times when
watching a movie at a theater or on a home entertainment system isn't
possible," said Alana Muller, the director of entertainment product
marketing at Sprint. "For example, customers can take their mind off a
busy day during a lunch break, breeze through a few minutes while waiting in
the parking lot for a child's soccer practice to end, or make a two-hour delay
at the airport much more bearable. And with child-friendly titles such as Herbie:
Fully Loaded
and Babe, Sprint Movies are also great to keep the kids busy
in the backseat."

The launch of Sprint Movies follows the December 2005
rollout of mSpot Movies, which allows customers to watch a selection of
unlimited movies, TV shows and concerts for a monthly subscription fee of
$6.95. "Since mSpot Movies launched, subscriber growth has averaged more
than 30 percent month over month, which indicates a strong interest from
customers for this type of capability. We look forward to mobile-movie watching
becoming even more popular with our additional offering now of Sprint
Movies," said Muller.

Sprint Movies cost between $3.99 and $5.99 each. Customers
can view the movie for unlimited times within a set period, which varies
between 24 hours and one week depending on the title. In addition, 24-hour
titles include the option of purchasing up to two 24-hour viewing extensions at
the rate of $0.99.