Spike Greenlights New Comedy

NEW YORK: Spike TV has given the go-ahead for a new half-hour comedy, Players, which follows two brothers with opposite personalities trying to run a sports bar. 

Players stars Matt Walsh, one of the founders of the acclaimed improvisational comedy troupe Upright Citizens Brigade, as Bruce, a free-spirited, fun-loving, guy’s guy who is living out his fantasy of owning a bar that allows him to freely bet on sports along with dating the cocktail waitresses. His older, more subdued and uptight brother, Ken (Ian Roberts), serves as his antagonist, and tries to keep the focus on the bar turning a profit. 

Walsh, who also created the series, is executive producer alongside Roberts, as well as Jay Martel, Peter Principato, Paul Young, Tucker Voorhees and John Lynch of Devlin Entertainment. Players is a Principato Young Entertainment Production and shoots in Los Angeles in February for a premiere this summer on Spike TV.