Sparks to Rep Wedding TV Programming


STOCKHOLM/LONDON: Sparks Network has been appointed as the exclusive worldwide distributor for all finished series and formats from the U.K.’s Wedding TV. 

All original programming of Wedding TV will be represented by Sparks, both as formats and ready-mades. The catalogue includes a total of 500 hours of original programming, including Bride on a Bus, Three Grand Weddings, The Great Cake Bake, Million Dollar Romance and Focus On…

"We are really happy to that Sparks will take on the mission to spread our programming over the globe," said Tony Prince, the programming director at Wedding TV. "They have a unique and inspiring concept of distribution that really impressed us."

"We think Wedding TV has a fantastic catalogue of excellent programming targeted for women that we believe will attract buyers from all over the world," added Nicola Soderlund, the president of Sparks Network.