Sony Combines U.S., International TV Groups

CULVER CITY: Sony Pictures Entertainment is merging its U.S. and international TV divisions, with Michael Grindon, the president of Sony Pictures Television International, now set to report to current U.S. division chief Steve Mosko.

"The globalization of entertainment makes it possible for us to create movies and television shows with worldwide appeal," said Amy Pascal, co-chairman of SPE. "There’s a profound sea change in the way people around the world experience entertainment, and the television industry is changing rapidly to meet new audience demands."
SPE’s chairman and CEO, Michael Lynton, added: "This strategic move will allow us to be more united in pursuit of the opportunities presented by this new age of internationalization. We want to give people everywhere an even wider variety of formats and programs, so it makes sense to have one television division overseeing this global phenomenon."
On his new appointment, Mosko stated: "With the reciprocal content flow between domestic and international markets, these two businesses are naturally intertwined. This integration of effort will allow us to innovate and create quality entertainment with international appeal, to act more quickly in response to an evolving global market for entertainment, and to expand upon our successes and grow our production and distribution business globally."

The move is intended to bolster the studio’s efforts to place its American content on outlets around the world, and ramp up its local production abilities. "This is a case of one-plus-one equaling three or more," said Lynton.  "They say politics stops at the water’s edge, but television certainly does not in this 21st century digital and satellite age."
The unification of the television divisions will take effect on April 1.  In the fall, SPT employees located in the Los Angeles area will be moving into new offices being constructed on the Sony Pictures studio lot in Culver City.