Smartphones, HDTVs Top Wish Lists in Asia Pacific


SCOTTSDALE: HDTVs were cited as the second most-desired device for consumer-electronics purchases in the Asia Pacific, according to ABI Research, with smartphones ranking as the top pick.

ABI Research conducted a trio of surveys on the Asia-Pacific consumer-electronics markets. Among Chinese respondents, smartphones were cited most when considering CE purchase intentions in the next six months, by nearly 60 percent of respondents; 43 percent of respondents were interested in HDTVs.

The findings were similar in South Korea, with smartphones cited by 47 percent of respondents and HDTVs by 22 percent. The two ranked as the most-cited devices. In India, smartphones again led (35 percent), though mobile phones beat out HDTVs, with 29 percent and 27 percent, respectively.

Jason Blackwell, the digital home practice director at ABI Research, said, “The maturing North American and Western European markets, in conjunction with the worldwide economic situation, are making growth increasingly difficult for many companies. In corroboration of this view, a considerably higher number of U.S. and Western European respondents claimed to have no purchase intentions over the next six months. China continues to hold considerable growth opportunities, but one of the key challenges for international companies is penetrating a market that tends to favor domestic brands.”