Singapore/Japanese Anime Series Launches at ATF

SINGAPORE, November 30: The trailer for Justeen, an anime series co-produced by Singapore’s Nanyang
Technological University (NTU) and the Japanese animation studio Anime
International Company (AIC), premiered at the Asia TV Forum this week.

The 13-part science-fiction series uses CACAni, animation
software developed by the NTU’s School of Computer Engineering. It is expected
to be completed next year for broadcast in Japan. The show is the result of an
agreement signed in June between the two companies intended to build upon AIC’s
anime expertise, with shows like Tenchi Muyo!, and NTU’s digital media capabilities. NTU’s CACAni software aims to
shorten the average production time for an animated series and lower production
costs by up to 40 percent. It is hoped that the technology will expand
Singapore’s presence in the international animation work-for-hire market. “The
success of Justeen will show that
our technological advantage may yet give Singapore an advantage in attracting
animation production companies here,” said Seah Hock Soon, Associate Professor
and Chair of the NTU School of Computer Engineering. “Our tie-up with AIC is
also extremely beneficial to our developers and animators, who will get to see
the exceptional opportunity to learn from anime masters who will be in
Singapore to guide and oversee the production.”