Reimer Named SVP for HBO Video

NEW YORK, January 17:
Andrew Reimer has been tapped to fill the newly created position of senior VP
of acquisitions and production at HBO Video.

Reimer, who is based in
Los Angeles, will be responsible for the acquisition and distribution of HBO
Video product, both in the U.S. and internationally, spearheading the
development and implementation of an aggressive plan to increase the breadth of
HBO Video releases. They include
theatrical features, DVD premiere films and family programming, along with a
growing involvement in pre-buys and co-production for the division.

Prior to joining HBO,
Reimer was president of DEJ Productions, responsible for the overall
production, acquisition and distribution along with the operational, creative
and legal activities at the Blockbuster Entertainment subsidiary. Prior to
this, Reimer was senior VP of worldwide television at Lions Gate
Entertainment/Trimark Pictures. He
was also VP of programming at BET/Action Pay-Per-View.