Real Simple, TLC Secure Partnership

NEW YORK, March 6: TLC has
partnered with the magazine Real Simple, a part of Time Inc., to develop new female-skewing multimedia
lifestyle content spanning TV, print, radio, Internet and in-store events.

The new female-targeted
content will offer an entertaining approach to a lifestyle makeover, combining
the companies’ resources. Scheduled to launch in August 2008, TLC has ordered
15 episodes of a prime-time television series and Real Simple will simultaneously launch interactive digital
content personalized for the consumer along with content in the magazine

All advertising sales will
be a joint effort by Real Simple
and TLC, and will consist of integrated multimedia packages that include TV,
print and online, including a presence across Time Inc. publications.

Real Simple brought on Andy Friendly, the founding producer of
Entertainment Tonight and
president of programming and production for King World, and Greenberg Glusker
Entertainment’s department chair, David Stanley, to help guide the deal with
TLC. Friendly and Stanley will continue to work as consultants on the show. An
executive producer and host have not yet been named, but Real Simple and TLC
expect to announce these roles in the coming months.

"This collaboration
is a wonderful fit that speaks directly to our viewers," said Angela
Shapiro-Mathes, the president of TLC. "Our brands are a perfect
psychographic match and together TLC and Real Simple will also bring our advertising partners an
unmatched opportunity to connect with our shared audience."

"Over the past few
years, Real Simple has
transformed from a magazine property into a multimedia power brand, and we're
looking forward to working together with TLC on this exciting
partnership," added Steve Sachs, the president of Real Simple.

—By Kristin