Rainbow Rolls Out Sundance, WE tv in Korea

NEW YORK: Rainbow Media has secured licensing from the Korea Communications Commission (KCC) to launch Sundance Channel and WE tv in Korea, with Skylife already taking on the two channels.

Skylife, the country’s only digital satellite pay-TV operator, launched the two channels on January 1 as part of its HD package. Sundance Channel reaches more than 33 million subscribers in the U.S. and recently launched in Singapore, France and Belgium. The channel features a selection of films, documentaries and original programs. WE tv, which reaches more than 75 million U.S. households, caters to female viewers with original stories and content relevant to key stages of their lives.


“Securing this license is momentous for us, as it opens the door to a whole new market for our brands—a market of early adopters who share the sensibilities catered to by Sundance Channel and WE tv,” said Ed Carroll, the COO of Rainbow Entertainment Services. “We’re happy to launch on Skylife and look forward to a long future serving Korea.”

Yoon-chul Kim, the VP, head of communication for Skylife, added, “With the launch of Sundance Channel and WE tv, Skylife is now offering its viewers as many as 50 HD channels, more than any other pay-tv platforms in Korea. The truly global networks like Sundance Channel and WE tv will help us build such a strong brand in this competitive market. I hope Korean viewers can now enjoy top-quality HD programming.”