ProSiebenSat.1 & RTL Team for Free Online TV Platform


MUNICH: ProSiebenSat.1 Media and RTL Germany have announced plans for an Internet platform that allows public and private TV channels in Germany and Austria to put content online, where it can be streamed by users for free.

The new platform will give Internet users the ability to retrieve time-shifted TV content through an Internet platform, tailored to the German and Austrian markets. Participating providers can make their content—complete series, films, shows or news broadcasts—available to Internet users in a web-based offering and present it in a dedicated area on the platform. Internet users will be able to retrieve all the content as a stream, free of charge, seven days after it airs on TV. Individual TV channels will continue to be responsible for marketing the content.

ProSiebenSat.1 Media and RTL are planning to set up a joint venture to operate the platform. The JV will provide participating channels the necessary technical services for using such a platform, such as hosting and streaming. The joint venture’s remit will be solely in the technical areas of the platform. TV channels will be independently responsible for the editorial control and marketing of their own offering areas on the platform.