Philipp Kreuzer



 VP, International & Co-Productions, Bavaria Media 

What are some of your top properties for MIPTV? 

We have a strong mix of MIPTV highlights consisting of quality TV event mini-series and TV-series.

Glamour & Greed (2 x 90’)

* Voices of the Pamano River (2 x 90’)

* An Eye For An Eye (2 x 100’) 

* 13 Hours: Race Against Time (13 x 25’)

BlogHouse (26 x 25’) 


Why will these programs appeal to buyers?

Our highlights fit the demand and programming needs of broadcasters for high-quality programming with strong stories and production values as well as for series which create loyalties especially for the younger audiences. Together with a set of attractive new family and drama TV movies, these highlights complement our wide-range portfolio for MIPTV this year.  


What are your goals and expectations for MIPTV?

With tighter budgets and less fictional production worldwide for some time now, we see demand increase and are happy to continue to provide our clients with a strong portfolio. We expect a good market and also aim for new acquisitions and co-productions next to seeking to further develop new business opportunities in emerging markets.