Oprah Winfrey to Narrate Life on Discovery

SILVER SPRING: The BBC’s epic natural-history series Life will be narrated by Oprah Winfrey when it airs on Discovery Channel in the U.S. in March 2010.

The 11-part series is a follow up to the BBC’s ambitious Planet Earth and focuses on bizarre and fascinating behaviors that living things have devised in order to thrive. "We are honored to have Oprah Winfrey tell the story of what is already a visual masterpiece," stated John Ford, the president and general manager of Discovery Channel. "The stories capture your imagination, curiosity and emotion as you see animals and plants up close and personal—each story more amazing. Ms. Winfrey will be the perfect complement to this blue-chip natural-history television event."

Life is narrated by Sir David Attenborough in its broadcast on BBC One the U.K. It is a BBC/Discovery/Skai/Open University co-production in association with RTI Spa.