Nielsen Explores U.S. Streaming Habits


NEW YORK: Half of all Netflix users connect via a game console, while those using Hulu are watching directly on a computer, finds Nielsen in its recent study on U.S. streaming habits.

According to Nielsen, 89 percent of Hulu users watch on their computers, compared to only 42 percent of Netflix users. Around one-fifth of Hulu users and 14 percent of Netflix users report streaming by connecting their computer to the TV. Internet-enabled devices such as the Roku Box, Google TV and Apple TV were also cited.

The content viewers are watching also differs between Hulu and Netflix users. The majority of Hulu users, some 73 percent, are watching TV shows, compared to 11 percent of Netflix users. More than half, 53 percent, of Netflix users report movies as their top programming picks, while only 9 percent of Hulu users say the same.