NBCU Digital Studio & Syfy Present Scripted Comedy


LONDON/UNIVERSAL CITY: NBC Universal Digital Studio has partnered with Syfy to distribute FCU: Fact Checker’s Unit for the U.S. and international markets, marking the first time a digital series has been distributed globally at launch.

The eight-episode digital comedy will be distributed by Universal Networks International on the digital platforms of Syfy in the U.K., Syfy Universal throughout the Asia Pacific, Sci Fi Channel in Australia, as well as Syfy US iTunes in the U.S. The show is based on a short film of the same name and reunites creators and original cast members Peter Karinen and Brian Sacca, and creator and director Dan Beers. It follows the adventures of two overzealous fact checkers, who work at the popular Dictum magazine and stop at nothing to check the most absurd celebrity facts.

"Global brands, in this case Samsung, need a single-source partner to handle production and global distribution and this is something we’re uniquely positioned to do," said Cameron Death, the senior VP and general manager at NBC Universal Digital Studio. "As the leading producer and distributor of original digital content, we are excited to garner learnings from global markets and roll them back into both our international and domestic efforts."

"This is an exciting new venture for Universal Networks International and forms part of our 360-degree digital strategy of delivering high quality, digital content to our international audience via our core channel brands," added Jason Keane, the VP of Universal Networks Interactive. "Partnering with our U.S. Digital Studio and Samsung has enabled us to offer an exciting and innovative online comedy format to Syfy viewers around the world on our recently launched web video platform."