Lorber HT Digital Debuts New DVD Label

NEW YORK, December 19: Lorber HT Digital has launched a new
U.S. DVD label, Alive Mind, which will focus on specialty documentary
programming in the areas of enlightened consciousness, secular spirituality,
cultural change and the frontiers of science.

Alive Mind’s first acquisition is the series Women and Spirituality, which was licensed from the National Film Board of
Canada. The series will be released on DVD for the first time and will be
available directly from Alive Mind’s website in January 2008, with a retail
price of $34.98. Created by Donna Read, the series is comprised of three
one-hour programs: Goddess Remembered, The Burning Times and Full
. The series addresses mythological,
historical and contemporary political manifestations of feminine spirituality.
Alive Mind has also picked up other titles from the National Film Board of
Canada, including the documentaries Mystical Brain and Forgiveness.

Alive Mind has begun actively marketing direct to consumers
its first release, the two-part documentary Secrets of the Soul. The documentary takes an all-encompassing look at
the search for the soul, from the faithful who seek to touch it, to the
scientists who investigate its reality. Secrets of the Soul was an in-house production from Lorber HT Digital’s
merger partner Hidden Treasures Productions. It is currently available for
$19.98 exclusively from Alive Mind’s Secrets of the Soul website.

Lorber HT Digital is a DVD distribution company formed
earlier this year by media entrepreneur Richard Lorber.

“Our goal is to provide the best nonfiction media from the
world’s leading filmmaking thinkers—content that delivers the “aha”
response of transformative experience,” commented Lorber. “Our collection of
titles will engage the power of humanist values in an entertaining way.”

—By Irene Lew