Lifetime Teams with Video Social Network for Online Series

NEW YORK, January 2: Lifetime Networks and
have partnered with Paltalk, a real-time video-based community, to produce a
weekly relationship program for the social network’s interactive video
platform, PaltalkScene.

Titled Why Hasn’t He Called?, the series will feature relationship expert Matt Titus and his wife,
television journalist Tamsen Fadal. The first episode will air on Friday,
January 4, on Paltalk as well as on at 10 p.m., immediately
following the broadcast of Titus’ new show on Lifetime Television, Matched
in Manhattan

Matched in Manhattan
follows the lives of Titus’ clients as he puts them through dating boot camp
and relationship rehab. On PaltalkScene’s Why Hasn’t He Called?, Titus will continue the relationship advice as he
chats live with viewers and guests about his clients featured on the Lifetime
show, as well as answer questions posed by Paltalk users on dating and
relationships. The online audience will be able to interact through video and
text chat.

The venture marks the second programming partnership between
Lifetime and Paltalk. The two recently teamed up to host a weekly chat program
on Paltalk with clairvoyant Lisa Williams, following the broadcast of her
Lifetime weekly series Lisa Williams: Life Among the Dead.

“We are very excited to begin broadcasting our own weekly
talk show on PaltalkScene, as it offers us a great way to connect with fans of Matched
in Manhattan
and also offer dating and
relationship advice based on our experiences with clients,” said Titus.

“The ability for us to make personal connections through
video with viewers is an unbelievable opportunity, and Matt and I look forward
to kicking off the show next week,” Fadal added.

“We continue to believe in the intersection of traditional
broadcast media and Web 2.0 technologies that encourage audience participation
and interaction, said Joel Smernoff, the president and COO of Paltalk. “What we
have developed with PaltalkScene is a natural fit for people like Matt and
Tamsen, who want to establish a more personal connection with their audience
and translate their fan base from television to the Web. We look forward to
working with Matt, Tamsen and Lifetime to kick off another successful show,
fostering the convergence of content and social media into a new viewing

—By Ned Berke