LazyTown Launches New Online Store

LONDON, October 5: LazyTown has launched a new online store
with Digital Stores, a leading supplier of online retail services in the
entertainment sector.

Digital Stores specializes in running online stores for
children’s character brands, selling toys, games, clothes, DVDs, stationary and
other popular consumer products. The launch of the new LazyTown online store
will be supported by a marketing campaign that includes advertising on search
engines, promotions in consumer press and lifestyle online sites.

Ágúst Freyr Ingason, the executive VP of LazyTown,
commented, “Following LazyTown’s success and our belief that we are the only
brand dedicated to kids health, the online store is a natural next step in
providing our fans with one destination for all LazyTown related products.”

In other LazyTown news, 53 episodes of the series will be
released on HD VMD (Versatile Multilayer Disc) in a partnership with New Medium
Enterprises (NME). Series creator and company CEO, Magnús Scheving, noted: “We
wanted our vibrant, high-energy animation to capture children’s imaginations
and knew shooting in HD would offer this level of quality. LazyTown on HD VMD will ensure that quality is uncompromised
whilst maintaining affordability to all households through its sensible pricing
compared to other HD formats.”