Knowledge Networks Releases New Research on Online Viewing

MENLO: Among individuals aged 13 to 54 with Internet access, 22 percent are watching full TV episodes online—via streaming and downloads—up from 8 percent three years ago, according to Knowledge Networks.

In the key 18-to-34 demo, meanwhile, viewing has risen from 12 percent to 30 percent. The report notes that within this group, 11 percent have used a TV set to watch streamed or downloaded video, as compared with just 7 percent of the 13-to-54 age group. Also with the wider age demo, consumers were less likely to have reduced or canceled their TV service—6 percent, versus 9 percent of 18-to-34’s.

"The small but notable level of people watching TV programs via the Internet on regular TV sets suggests that the convergence of the two screens for mainstream audiences may finally be on the horizon," said David Tice, the VP and group account director at Knowledge Networks. "Growing numbers of ‘connected TVs’—those that access the Internet—are making this option increasingly user-friendly. The fact that over one-third of TV homes now have a bundled TV/Internet service package is no doubt accelerating this blurring of boundaries."