KKR, Permira Set to Acquire ProSiebenSat.1

MUNICH, December 14: According to wire reports, the Bavarian
government has announced that Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co. and Permira
have won the battle to acquire a 50.5-percent stake in ProSiebenSat.1 Media
from Haim Saban’s German Media Partners.

None of the involved parties have formally announced the
deal, and a purchase price has not been disclosed. The other bidders for
control of the German broadcasting giant were the Turkish media group Dogan
Yayin and a consortium led by Goldman Sachs and Apax.

KKR and Permira are expected to merge ProSiebenSat.1 with
SBS Broadcasting, which the two private equity firms acquired last year, to
create a media conglomerate to rival the RTL Group.