Kamen Rider Gets Video-Game Treatment

LOS ANGELES: Adness Entertainment has teamed up with Namco Bandai Games to create video games for the Kamen Rider Dragon Knight property for handheld and console platforms.

The games will be published throughout North and South America by Namco Bandai’s subsidiary company, D3Publisher. The video games are set to debut in retail stores this November. Kamen Rider Dragon Knight is a live-action series following the adventures of teenager Kit Taylor, who discovers a mysterious deck of Advent Cards that grant him the power to transform into an armored warrior called a Kamen Rider. The show is currently airing in the U.S. Saturday mornings on TheCW4Kids, and also is scheduled to air in European and Latin American countries starting this fall.

“We are continually looking for creative and interesting ways to extend the Kamen Rider brand, and by building up the series with merchandising deals such as the one with Namco Bandai games, we’re able to not only grow our business, but grow our property beyond the TV screen,” said Takeshi Okajima, the director of licensing for the U.S. and Canada.