John de Mol’s Talpa Content Acquires Stake in France’s Brainbox

LAREN/PARIS, September 19:
John de Mol’s Talpa Content has announced that it is acquiring a substantial
stake in the French company Brainbox, which specializes in creating game-show
formats for television and other platforms.

Brainbox is run by Clement
Gayet, who has created and produced a number of entertainment programs for
French television, and Aurelien Lipiansky, a television journalist. Brainbox is
currently attracting attention for TV formats like Let's Go Shopping, which will premiere on Italian television this
week under the title Prendere o Lasciare. It is a daily prime-time game show produced by Endemol Italia for
Mediaset’s Italia 1.

De Mol commented: “Rarely
have I seen a company with so many surprising and distinctive formats. Clement
and Aurelien are true creatives. So I’m really looking forward to working
closely together with them.”