HBO Sports Debuts Series on Digital Platforms

NEW YORK, November 28: HBO
Sports has launched Fan Life, a
series of original short films created exclusively for HBO’s digital platforms,
including HBO Podcasts, HBO Mobile and

The series marks the first
time HBO Sports has created entirely new original programming for simultaneous
distribution across all of HBO’s digital platforms. In addition to HBO’s
branded digital platforms, the series can also be downloaded from Apple’s
iTunes Music Store.

Fan Life, which premieres new episodes every Tuesday
through January 2008, profiles the lifestyle and commitment of pro football
team “super fans” in three- to six-minute episodes. The first episode of the
series, which debuted on November 20, featured “X-Factor,” a Kansas City Chiefs
fan, and this week’s episode will spotlight “Tattoo Man,” a Pittsburgh Steelers
fan whose body is almost completely covered in tattoos of famous Steelers
players and team moments. Seven fans have already been chosen, while the eighth
will be selected from user-submitted testimonials.

“This will be a fun and
exciting opportunity for viewers of Inside the NFL to further participate online,” said Rick
Bernstein, the executive producer of HBO Sports. “Football fans can follow
along each week as a new super fan story is told, or they can log on to to share their own super fan stories.”

—By Ned Berke