Google’s Schmidt to Deliver MacTaggart Lecture


LONDON: Dr. Eric Schmidt, the executive chairman of Google, is scheduled to deliver this year’s MacTaggart Lecture at the MediaGuardian Edinburgh International Television Festival on August 26.

Schmidt joined Google in 2001 as CEO. In his newly appointed role as executive chairman, Schmidt is responsible for the external matters of Google, including building partnerships and broader business relationships, government outreach and technology thought leadership, as well as advising the CEO and senior leadership on business and policy issues.

In his MacTaggart Lecture, Schmidt will be discussing the impact of the Internet revolution and how the TV industry can engage with new technologies.

George Entwistle, advisory chair of the festival, commented: "Television was supposed to be dead and isn’t; on demand was supposed to have triumphed and hasn’t. It’s the perfect MacTaggart for an industry at the convergence crossroads, the chairman of Google will give us a steer on the way ahead that no-one can afford to miss.”

Elaine Bedell, executive chair, added: “This is the first time that the prestigious MacTaggart has been given to someone not principally involved in television broadcast or production. Eric Schmidt will give us a unique perspective on the future of the U.K.’s television industry, as well as an insight into the global ambitions of the Internet-based giant Google.”