France 24 Joins Time Warner Cable Lineup


PARIS: France 24’s English-language service is now part of Time Warner Cable’s channel roster, adding an additional 1.5 million subscribers throughout the New York Metropolitan area to its U.S. reach.

The English-language service is now part of Time Warner’s basic package, which is also available in many hotels as well as other sites—companies, national and international institutions—in the New York area. The channel is already available in the U.S. on DISH World in both English and French, while RCN, Comcast, Cox and FiOS TV carry the English-language version in select regional markets.

Philippe Rouxel, the VP of worldwide distribution at France 24, said, “This agreement is a crucial step for our channel and its ongoing implementation in the U.S. This launch on Time Warner is not only a source of great satisfaction, it is also extremely symbolic, showing that the channel has proven its capacity to attract and interest the North American audience.”