Flor Latina Sets Cast for Teen Telenovela

AIRES, November 26: High Mountain, a
teen telenovela distributed by Flor Latina Entertainment Group, will feature an
international cast with stars from Colombia, Argentina and Spain.

Bernal (Colombia), Virginia Da Cunha (Argentina), Nataly Perez (Argentina),
Jordi Mestre (Spain), Macarena Garcia (Spain), Ivana Miño (Spain), Rafael Ferro
(Argentina) and Manuela Pal (Argentina) have all signed on for the
multiplatform project.

Shooting is
set to begin in January. High Mountain will
be directed by Diego Suarez, the former director of Lalola, with Ezequiel Crupnicoff as general producer. Oscar Ibarra has been
confirmed as the writer's coordinator for High
. The telenovela is set to air on Antena 3 in Spain, RCN in Colombia and America TV in Spain
beginning in March 2009.

—By Kristin