Friday, October 4, 2024

February 2021

TV Kids

What’s Next?: Leading distributors weigh in on the major trends at play in the kids’ business today; The Genius Way: Jessica Brinder on how Genius Brands International is delivering content with a purpose; Giganto Fun: Pierre Sissmann and Olivier Lelardoux reveal how Cyber Group Studios is pioneering the use of real-time animation technology; Family Time: Jon Gisby shares how WildBrain Spark is driving gains in the kids’ AVOD business. Plus interviews with KiKA’s Sebastian Debertin—recipient of the inaugural TV Kids Pioneer Award—and Kidoodle.TV’s Brenda Bisner.
Digital edition sponsored by
ZDF Enterprises


TV Listings

Highlights from several companies, including links to trailers.
Digital edition sponsored by
ZDF Enterprises

Read the digital edition here.

***TV Listings***