Endemol Scores Deals for The Best Years of Our Lives

LONDON: The Russian pubcaster Rossyia Channel is the first to commission the Endemol entertainment format The Best Years of Our Lives in Central and Eastern Europe.

While the deal marks the series first commission in Russia, The Best Years of Our Lives continues to roll out across Western Europe, with France as the latest to sign up for its own local version. TF1 is set to air the series, which combines history and entertainment by pitting two decades against each other, in prime time. The show has already proven successful in Spain for TVE1 and Italy on Rai Uno.

Marina Williams, the CEO of Central and Eastern European operations at Endemol, commented: “We are extremely pleased to be partnering with Rossyia Channel on a major prime-time co-production like this. The Best Years of Our Lives is a show that combines history and culture with a hugely entertaining format and I have no doubt that Russian viewers will love it.”

Paul Römer, the chief creative officer of Endemol Group, said: “The Best Years of Our Lives is a format that is now beginning to demonstrate its global potential. It’s already established as a top-rating prime-time show in Italy and Spain and it’s great to see major territories like France and Russia come on board for the first time.”