Endemol Exec Joins 3 Circles

AMSTERDAM, January 12: Peter
Langenberg, who has spent the last two years as executive producer of
entertainment at Endemol, is joining the Dutch interactive media company 3
Circles Media as COO, effective February 1.

In his new role, Langenberg’s
primary goal will be to manage all the company’s international operations and
its global expansion, particularly in North and South America.

He has spent a decade at Endemol in a range of positions, including
manager of business affairs, GM of program affairs, executive director of
operations for Latin America and executive director of international
operations. He spent the last two years in creative development, sales and
production of TV content for the Dutch market.

Langenberg said of the move: “After almost 10 great years with Endemol I
decided to take new challenges by joining the board of 3 Circles Media. I look
forward to contributing to the growth and further expansion of this young,
successful and vibrant company in the fast moving market of interactive