Disney Releasing Star Wars Apps Ahead of New Movie


GLENDALE: Disney Publishing Worldwide is set to launch a slate of new Star Wars apps in the lead-up to the popular movie franchise’s latest chapter.

Titled Star Wars Journeys, the six episodic apps will each be themed around one of the brand’s theatrical releases. They'll feature a 180-degree parallax viewing experience, infinite zoom scene transitions, collectible character profiles, brand-new art and unlockable hidden content. The first in the series, Star Wars Journey: The Phantom Menace, is already available for iOS on iTunes; the rest will be launched in sequential order ahead of the theatrical premiere of Star Wars Episode VII.

“The Star Wars film franchise has continuously excited and engaged audiences of all ages for more than 30 years,” said Andrew Sugerman, the executive VP of Disney Publishing Worldwide. “Now, Disney Publishing is connecting Star Wars fans to their favorite franchise through a series of innovative new apps that combine storytelling, play and technology for an epic experience. We are thrilled to help introduce the Star Wars universe to the next generation of fans, and provide those already familiar with the power of The Force new ways to connect with this legendary franchise.”