Clooney-Narrated Darfur Doc to Air on HBO

NEW YORK, August 8: This December, HBO in the U.S. will
broadcast Sand and Sorrow, a documentary about the crisis in Darfur from Paul Freedman and
narrated by George Clooney.

“The tragic events taking place in Darfur unfortunately are
a continuation of the lack of response from the international community in
protecting millions of innocent lives from their own government,” Freedman
said. “Without humanitarian aid and political resolve from the U.S. and other
countries, these displaced people from Darfur could suffer the same fate as those
innocents from Eastern Europe, Cambodia and Rwanda.”

The HBO Documentary Films presentation follows human rights
activist John Prendergast, Harvard University professor Samantha Power, and New
York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof as they journey through refugee camps
along the Chad-Sudan border, passed mass graves inside Darfur itself, and into
offices of the United States Senate to plead on behalf of the innocents of
Darfur. It features interviews with, among others, Nobel Laureate Elie Wiesel,
U.S. Senators Barak Obama and Sam Brownback, Sudan scholars Alex de Waal and
Gerard Prunier, and rebel leader Minni Minawi.