Chorion Names Spanish Toy Distributor for Noddy

LONDON, July 17: Bandai
Spain has been appointed by Chorion as the toy distributor for Noddy in the region, joining the existing roster of
200-plus licensees for the hit brand worldwide.

As Noddy heads into its 60th anniversary year in 2009,
extensive consumer and retail marketing campaigns are being planned to
complement the 52 brand-new episodes, including a fresh toy range and new live
experience. The new deal follows on the appointment of NSR as the master toy
licensee, Spin Master as the U.K. distributor and Lansay as the distributor for
France and Benelux for Noddy.

Eric Karp, the executive
VP of global licensing and merchandising at Chorion, commented: “With such an
important year ahead for Noddy,
we are putting in place a strong licensing program for the property. We believe
that Bandai Spain has the experience and credentials to help build the Noddy brand in Spain.”

Raul Guerrero, the general
manager of Bandai Spain, added: “Bandai Spain is thrilled to be working with
Chorion on such an exciting preschool property like Noddy, which has proved its strength and power around
the world. We believe that the Bandai, NSR and Chorion partnership will bring Noddy to the top of the market in Spain.”

—By Kristin