Channel Profile: ION Life


WEST PALM BEACH: ION Life stocks its grid with programming on "healthy and active living."


How do you schedule the channel from morning through late night, Monday through Sunday?
As ION Life focuses its programming mission on healthy and active living geared to inspire and engage our viewers, we start our day with an exercise and fitness block. In later morning we move to an expanded positive living offering featuring home improvement, gardening, craft and design shows. Our midday block features healthy and fun cooking shows and we segue into the afternoon with fun travel and adventure programs.
In prime time, we offer our viewers to kick back and celebrate life with blockbuster movies Monday to Friday. Prime time on weekends
we provide inspirational stories on life-changing events and examples of purposeful living through makeover and help thy neighbor type programs.
We’re proud that we entertain our viewers with engaging topics that inspire people to live healthier and more meaningful lives.

Are you acquiring content from the international market?
English language only. We have a number of programs that come from Canada and Australia.

Are you buying second-run content from within the U.S.?
Yes, we regularly license second-run content from within the U.S. Most recently we acquired MyWorkout, which previously aired on Lifetime, and have been airing Living Better with Ellie Krieger that aired in NBC O&O markets.

What is your approach to commissioning new productions from U.S. producers?
We are interested to commission new productions which come fully financed with sponsor-underwriting. We are a great U.S. window for
healthy/active living program content.

Do you have any blocks or slots you are looking to fill?
We continue to be in an aggressive acquisition mode for all of our programming blocks.