Caracol Television Launches on Atlantic Broadband

NORTH BAY VILLAGE, April 13: Atlantic Broadband, a cable
platform that services customers in Florida, Maryland/Delaware, South Carolina
and Western Pennsylvania, has added Caracol Television Internacional to its
Mundo Latino Spanish-language service.

In addition to its slate of Colombian novelas, the network
offers seven hours of live content each day, including news, talk shows and
reality fare like Desafio 2007.

Caracol Television’s channel director, Alejandro Bernal,
noted: “The U.S. and, in particular, the Miami market with its large audience
of Latino viewers, is one of our top priorities. We believe Caracol will fill a
longstanding need in the local Colombian community, and that our programming
will appeal as well to all of Atlantic Broadband’s Spanish-speaking viewers.”

Broadband’s Mundo Latino service offers 29 channels of Spanish-language