Beyond Lands Doc Sales


SYDNEY: Three documentary titles have been sold by Beyond Distribution across Scandinavian and Central European territories: Lost Adventures of Childhood, The 200kg Kid and How To Divorce & Not Wreck the Kids.

Lost Adventures of Childhood sold to Planete Poland, Spektrum Hungary, Ceska Programova Spolecnost Czech Republic and Slovakia, Yes/DBS Israel and YLE Teema Finland. The 200kg Kid has been taken by Yes/DSB Israel as well as TV3 Denmark. How To Divorce & Not Wreck the Kids is headed to Planete Poland and Israel Educational Television.


Lost Adventures of Childhood looks at the effect supervised play has on a child’s social and emotional development. How to Divorce & Not Wreck the Kids spotlights three different methods of divorce, all focused on putting the children first. The 200kg Kid follows an obese 15-year-old who choses to undergo drastic lap band surgery.

Nina Tuominen, an acquisition executive at YLE, commented, “Lost Adventures of Childhood is a highly topical program about how childhood has changed in only a couple of decades and brings interesting questions to the fore. We will be broadcasting it next spring on YLE Teema on a Thursday at 9 p.m. and we’re very excited about it.”

Peter Slot, the head of program planning and acquisitions for TV3, commented on the pickup of The 200kg Kid, “Eating disorders are an increasing problem to our society and good eating habits start in childhood. We have strong expectations as these types of documentaries normally perform well.”