Bejuba! Takes On New Preschool Series

MONTREAL/LOS ANGELES: Bejuba! Entertainment has secured the rights for the 78×7-minute preschool series The Hive from Lupus Films, PPC and Monumental Productions. 

Slated to begin delivery in the second quarter of 2010, the series revolves around Buzzbee and Rubee, two little bees who live in "The Hive." The series will be produced in CGI and highlights the fun and adventures that take place within the Hive. The U.K. broadcaster is GMTV, which has picked up the series for its preschool block The Fluffy Club.

"We’ve been eyeing the series since we first saw it at Cartoon Forum a few years ago, and are thrilled to be chosen as the distributor for the series," said Tatiana Kober, the president of Bejuba! "These bumble bees are crazy cute, and the stories are honey sweet….did I really say that?!"

"The Hive is tremendously appealing, both in terms of the charming characters and storylines as well as the stunning designs," commented Camilla Deakin, the series producer. "We’ve done some audience research and it seems that all pre-schoolers who watch it fall in love with it instantly."

"The stories are like mini-morality tales and they work in every language," added David Willing, the creator of The Hive. "I’m so excited about seeing it all come to life, there genuinely is a real buzz about the show."