Asia Factual Forum Opens Registration

CANNES, April 10:
Registration is now open for the second annual Asia Factual Forum, which will
take place in Singapore at the River View Hotel from December 7-9.

Immediately preceding the
Asia Television Forum and part of the Asia Media Festival, the Asia Factual
Forum highlights Asian factual and documentary content. Last year’s inaugural
Asia Factual Forum drew more than 100 delegates from 15 countries. The event is
co-produced by Canada’s Ballinran Productions and Singapore’s Association of
Independent Producers with the support of Singapore’s Media Development
Authority (MDA).

The 2008 event is designed
to foster relationships between commissioning editors and factual-content
producers as well as provide networking between producers from different regions.
Registration and program details are available on the event web site at

“The Asia Factual Forum is
helping to build the factual production industry across Asia,” said the event’s
executive producer, Craig Thompson, the president of Ballinran Productions.
“There is tremendous talent, imagination and creativity emerging across the
region and our goal is to bring this creative energy to the attention of
regional and international broadcasters, co-producers and distributors.”

“The Asia Factual Forum,
strategically anchored in Singapore, represents a step forward in our
development as a centre for factual content,” said Dr. Christopher Chia, the CEO of the Media Development Authority of
Singapore. “Singapore is well-poised to lead in Asia’s drive towards factual
programming due to our central location in the heart of Asia and our strong
tradition in documentary and info-educational programming. Indeed, with an
English-speaking population, high literacy levels and solid telecommunications
networks, Singapore is one of the very few Asian countries able to produce
English-language documentaries, providing international media companies with a
very compelling business proposition.”

—By Irene Lew