Afghan War Doc on Offer at MIPTV


CAPE TOWN: A new documentary series that follows a group of U.S. solders in Afghanistan is on offer at MIPTV from South Africa’s Waterfront Studios.

The 13-part Turf Wars was filmed with the use of mini HD cameras attached to the soldiers themselves. "Turf Wars will show audiences a perspective on war that they have never seen before," said Markus Davies, producer at Waterfront Studios. "The series will take them closer to the action than ever before."

The production team includes directory of photography Adil Bradlow, a veteran war journalist who conceived of the project. "The idea came to me while out on patrol with the Marines in Marjah, Helmand Province, in late 2010. The lads of 1st Platoon saw themselves as fighting a good old-fashioned turf war with the Taliban. It was clear that the Marines had gone on the offensive and were determined not to let up, pushing out on patrol three times a day to keep the Taliban guessing as to where they would strike next. Along with a relentless pace, I was amazed at how spartan their operating conditions were. They lived hard and rough. This was soldiering as I’d never seen it before; this is a story that needs to be told."