Tops Online Rankings

BURBANK: Citing Nielsen VideoCensus data for April, says it is the number one network website in terms of unique viewers, and was home to seven out of the top ten series viewed online for the month.

Dancing with the Stars had the most unique viewers online, 1.71 million, followed by Lost with 1.708 million, The Unusuals with 1.07 million, Desperate Housewives with 1.05 million and Grey’s Anatomy in fifth place with 998,000. Other ABC shows in the top ten were Ugly Betty (721,000) and Castle (537,000). Also in the top ten were NBC’s Saturday Night Live with 672,000 unique viewers online, and CBS’s Survivor (561,000) and NCIS (528,000).

In terms of total streams, Lost came out on top with 36.7 million, with NBC’s The Office in second place with 16.9 million and Heroes in third with 14.3 million streams. Other ABC shows in the most-streamed top ten were Dancing with the Stars (13.7 million), Grey’s Anatomy (11.7 million), Desperate Housewives (9.8 million) and Castle (8.2 million). says it had a total of 5 million unique viewers in April, while the CBS site had 3.4 million, had 3.3 million, FOX had 2.1 million and had 549,000.