Globo Establishes International Production Board

SÃO PAULO, October 14: Globo TV International has placed Guilherme Bokel at the helm of a new Board of International Production, which will assist the company in its efforts to develop and roll out content for the global market.

"According to the characteristics of each country, the Board of International Production will assist in the definition of the model to be developed in each particular market and this will be conveyed to international projects in the planning of creation and production resources at TV Globo," explains Bokel, a 20-year Globo veteran. In leading the new initiative, Bokel will tap into his years of production experience, which has included The Clone, America and Pages of Life. Bokel is currently coordinating the co-production of The Clone with Telemundo in the U.S.

The Board of International Production falls under the General Board of Entertainment, which was created early this year to create and produce programs for free TV and multiple other platforms. The creation and production of all drama, variety programs, game and reality shows at TV Globo are overseen by the General Board of Entertainment.

That restructure led to the creation of the Directory of Artistic Assistance, led by Flavio Rocha. Rocha was responsible for the artistic quality of exported programs at Globo TV International for five years. Since July, he has been focusing on the Brazilian market as the director of quality control. He will also continue to look at new formats and ideas in the international market that can be adapted for Brazil. “I’m very excited at being involved in the development and creation of shows for TV Globo, especially in these rapidly evolving times of convergence and new platforms,” Rocha notes.

—By Mansha Daswani