Dori Media Begins Shooting Multiplatform Telenovela

BUENOS AIRES, September 3:
Production has begun at the Dori Media Contenidos studios in Argentina for Amanda
, the first telenovela produced
for television, the Internet and mobile phones.

The program will launch in
October at MIPCOM. Episode number and length will vary by platform. For the
Internet, the program will include 65 nine-minute episodes. For cell phones,
325 90-second episodes will be created. For television, 13 45-minute episodes
will be produced.

The show follows Amanda,
played by Natalia Oreiro, an actress and pop star who awakens to find herself
in a parallel world where she is no longer famous. She will meet down-to-earth
Dante (Luciano Castro) while fighting to reclaim her life.

—By Jackie Stewart