MensajeTV Preps Launch

MIAMI, May 20: MensajeTV,
the first Internet television network targeting Latina women in the U.S., is
set to launch a broadband channel and social-networking site in July.

Today, MensajeTV is
comprised of three different channels that focus on different areas of the
viewer's life: Mensaje Divino, Mensaje Cocina y Cultura and Mensaje Salud.
Mensaje Divino is spirituality based, offering sermons, daily devotionals,
inspirational messages, Spanish Christian music, family forums and youth
ministry activities. Mensaje Cocina y Cultura offers programs such as
parenting, home and decorating, crafts, gardening and travel, with Latino chefs
providing expert tips and easy-to-download recipes and ingredient lists.
Meanwhile, Mensaje Salud provides access to the latest news concerning health
and nutrition for U.S. Hispanic viewers.

"The Latino
population is increasingly large and diverse, and the media directed to
Hispanics can no longer be one size/offering fits all,” said Dr. Federico
Subervi, a member of MensajeTV's advisory council and a leading expert in
Latinos and the media in the U.S. “MensajeTV is a major leap forward in the
diversity of options available to Latina audiences.”

He continued:
"MensajeTV caters to specific interests previously not easily or at all
available via the small screen. The topics and issues covered by MensajeTV
reflect the values of this population, which will no longer have to compromise
its core culture as it seeks how to best modernize and adapt to the American
society at large.”

—By Kristin