Cuppa Coffee Shores Up Global Deals for Bruno & the Banana Bunch

TORONTO, November 13:
Following MIPCOM, Cuppa Coffee Studios has inked additional agreements with
international broadcasters for its Bruno & the Banana Bunch brand.

Deals have either been
signed or are in advanced negotiations for Scandanavia, Portugal, the Middle
East, English- and Spanish-speaking U.S., Korea, Holland and French-speaking
Canada. Julie Fox from Paris-based AWOL is heading up international sales for Bruno
& the Banana Bunch
and is also
lining up prospective home-video deals in the same territories.

The Bruno & the
Banana Bunch
series launched on
Canada’s CBC earlier this year, and is also airing on Discovery Channel in
Latin America.

show took off once broadcasters saw its success on the CBC here at home,
prompting not only Discovery Latin America to pick up the show but also an
abundance of other territories,” said Cuppa Coffee president and executive
producer Adam Shaheen. “The world is going bananas for Bruno, and he’s very
quickly becoming a global brand. Naturally we’re looking to keep the momentum
going and bring Bruno to even greater heights.”

forward, Shaheen is looking to secure a British broadcaster for the series, in
addition to working with Charlie Day of the Sharpe Company on a major
merchandising and licensing push.

—By Kristin