Liberty Global Presents New IPTV Platform


ENGLEWOOD: Horizon is a new next-generation TV platform from Liberty Global that allows consumers to share and view content on multiple screens and devices wirelessly throughout the home.

The Horizon set-top box intends to seamlessly integrate cable, web-based and personal content. It creates a wireless network that connects the TV to all personal Internet-connected devices: computers, tablets, smartphones. This includes access to personal media, such as photos, music and movies stored in the home or in the cloud.

Liberty Global is working with content providers like YouTube, Facebook and Twitter to develop applications for its App Store, where subscribers can view a full catalogue of web-based apps that will be integrated in the TV-user interface. Liberty Global is reaching out to potential content partners and third party application developers and will soon launch a software developers’ kit for Horizon, inviting them to join the already existing 60 content partners that have developed apps for the new platform.

Field trials on Horizon are being executed in the Netherlands, next year moving to consumer trials. The commercial launch is planned for Q1 2012 with UPC in the Netherlands. UPC Cablecom in Switzerland and Unitymedia in Germany will follow soon thereafter.

Mike Fries, the president and CEO of Liberty Global, commented on Horizon: “Over the last 20 years, Liberty Global has been at the forefront of driving technological innovation for its customers in Europe. Both in high-speed broadband and digital interactive television, we have constantly strived to improve our customers’ experience. With Horizon, we’re reinventing television.”